ia play

the good life in a digital age

the meaningful life is a playful one

This ramble through positive psychology, flow and signature strengths does finally bring me back to ia play.

Seligman defined the Engaging Life as knowing what your signature strengths are, and then recrafting your life to use those strengths to have more flow in life.

Beyond that he defines the Meaningful Life as using your signature strengths in the service of something that you believe is larger than you are.

So this something bigger than me, it is just that life should be more fun, more playful. It doesn’t have to be so serious, does it?

Work should be more playful. And for me that means information architecture should be more playful . I think it would probably work better that way.

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Written by Karen

May 10th, 2007 at 10:38 am

Posted in psychology,theory,work