OpenLearn courses
The Open University now makes a selection of their course materials available free through OpenLearn.
Courses that might be of interest:
Design (general)
A module in the OU Course T173 ‘Engineering the future‘ , this unit looks at the process of design covering design & innovation, the role of models, conceptual design and prototypes.
People-centred design
A module in T211 ‘Design and Designing‘ this unit covers inclusive design, ergonomics, interaction design, user research techniques and designing for pleasure.
Designing the user interface
From the postgraduate course M873 ‘User Interface Design and Evaluation‘ this unit looks at the role of text, colour, images and sound.
Accessibility in e-learning
There is an accessibility unit in H807 ‘Innovations in e-learning‘
Accessibility in interaction design
and also in M364 the postgraduate course in interaction design.
Models and modelling
In M883 Software requirements for business systems this unit looks at data flow diagrams, use cases, activity diagrams and entity relationship data models.
Modelling object-orientated software
From M256 Software development with Java this unit is not about programming but about designing the conceptual model for the system.
MIT does something similar with OpenCourseWare