ia play

the good life in a digital age

i’m still here, honest

There was a rumour that the BBC implanted chips in long serving staff, with a view to preventing them leaving, Wedlock-style  perhaps. I didn’t fall victim to anything so dramatic.

Nor can I blame my silence on overwork in my new job. There’s been loads to learn but that’s not the problem.

I’ve been over-committing myself elsewhere. Everything seems to be happening at once, from my writing for FUMSI, speaking events and Open University deadlines, plus trying to get the garden ready for winter.

Unfortunately blog-neglect also meant an unpleasant job of ploughing through weeks and weeks of comments spam. Always a nauseous task.

So to come…talking about the future of the web at the V&A, SharePoint IA, and the challenges of creating accessible IA deliverables.

Written by Karen

October 9th, 2008 at 4:35 pm

Posted in energy,gtd