tactics for finding work
Recession-Proof Graduate is getting attention mostly for Charlie’s advocacy of working for free but there’s lots of good stuff about how to approach your career. None of it is rocket science but it is the sort of stuff we lose sight of when job hunting.
Some quotes, mostly from the stories contributed by others interesingly enough:
“Postpone getting paid now, for amazing opportunities later”
“I quickly figured out that the most important thing to do in college was to not focus on getting great grades, but to get out of the classroom and start working for people to build a solid portfolio.”
“I learned more from my Google Reader than I ever did in graduate school.”
“There are absolutely no rules to what you can put on your blog.”
“Very few job seekers take the time to actually put themselves in the shoes of the people they want to work for.”
Also a must-read in this domain is Avinash Kaushik on Web Analytics Career Advice: Play In The Real World!. Gold dust if you want a career in analytics but still applicable to everyone else too.